Why the 10,000 Hour Rule isn’t the path to expertise and how you can dramatically lower that number.
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Why the 10,000 Hour Rule isn’t the path to expertise and how you can dramatically lower that number.
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Continue readingCuriosity is an amazing thing, but how does it work? Where does it come from? In this post we do a deep dive into the science or lack thereof around curiosity.
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Continue readingWe used to be bound by memory in our brain, space in our notebook, storage on our hard drive, but no longer. The future has arrived in the advent of the Extended Mind.
Continue readingI would be a sad, bitter man right now if I didn’t have side projects in my life. Here are 5 reasons why side projects can lead you to a happier more fulfilling life.
Continue readingThe story of mirror neurons is simple – Monkey see, monkey do and Eureka! Their impact is another story entirely.
Continue readingCuriosity makes life interesting. Learning, exploring, and understanding new things is amazing. I think so anyways and here are 5 great reasons why you should Always Be Curious.
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