My first book was a labor of love, taking over a decade to finally complete. Along the way it, it evolved, as did I in meaning, direction, and output. Despite the journey, I’m proud of what I created and hope it is the first of many books along the way.
About The Master Generalist
Today’s career advice for future generations is a mantra that exists somewhere between work hard, specialize, and hope for the best. It is inadequate at best and damaging at worst. The Master Generalist offers a new framework for both career and life. Built on a systematic approach to skill acquisition, individuals are empowered to chart their own path through a quickly shifting landscape.
By combining the ideologies of both specialization and diversification, the principles of the Master Generalist prepare individuals for an uncertain future. In this book you will learn:
- the challenges you face in the age of speed
- the reason skill acquisition is of the utmost importance
- the framework for becoming a master generalist
- the keys to balancing mastery and diversity
- the inherent benefits that this approach unlocks
Do away with obsolete, unhelpful advice, and secure your future.
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