Learn about the value of thinking about how you think and why it’s important.
Continue readingAristotle, Metacognition, and Why You Should Think About Thinking

Learn about the value of thinking about how you think and why it’s important.
Continue readingNot literally of course. What I mean is that we should learn from other people. The great minds of our past and present, for their knowledge is endless and available.
Continue readingIn letters to his dear friend Lucilius, Seneca shares his advice on how to overcome unwarranted fears. Learn about how you can do the same.
Continue readingWith expertise comes a certain way of looking at the world. Learn how shoshin or beginner’s mind can help you break through this perspective and experience the new again.
Continue readingThe act of walking sounds simple enough, but the benefits are incredible. Learn why you need to create a habit of walking immediately.
Continue readingWe used to be bound by memory in our brain, space in our notebook, storage on our hard drive, but no longer. The future has arrived in the advent of the Extended Mind.
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