Why the Kitchen is the Most Creative Space in Every Home

Why the Kitchen is the Most Creative Space in Every Home


t can be a challenge at times to get inspired or put yourself in a creative mindset, especially when you’re trying to create on a daily basis. Some are fortunate to have their own studios or offices where they go to be creative. These places often act as triggers to spark creativity whenever we’re seeking inspiration. Unfortunately, not everyone has access to such spaces.

The good news is, there’s one place in every home that can get your creative juices flowing. One place that is often overlooked. The KITCHEN.

Here are 5 reasons why the kitchen is the most creative part of every home and why you should take advantage of it.

1. The Kitchen is the Ultimate Maker Space

The kitchen is stocked with tools, ingredients and most importantly room for your imagination.  It’s a space waiting for you to experiment, explore, and discover new flavors, methods, and recipes. And everyone has one.

The kitchen’s a laboratory… It’s biology, chemistry, physics. Yes there’s history. Yes there’s artistry. Yes to all of that.Alton Brown

As Alton puts it, your kitchen is a laboratory and it utilizes a wide range of disciplines. Problem solving, intuition, and creativity are at play; few endeavors are so diverse.

I can’t think of a better space to express yourself on a daily basis then in your kitchen.

2. The Kitchen Brings People Together

During my senior year at the University of Michigan I lived in a house with a few of my close friends. That year we started a tradition that every Friday we’d have family dinner and go in, as we called it. We’d work together to create a meal and then invite some guests over to entertain. We would eat, drink, talk, and laugh late into the night. Those are some of the fondest memories I have from college.

If you think about it, food and drink are a common theme when connecting with other people. Meeting up for brunch, coffee, or even family dinner, are all situations that involve food and people. So if it’s cooking together or just sharing a meal, the kitchen can be a place where stories are shared, ideas are ignited, and relationships are forged.

3. The Kitchen Overcomes Fear

We’re not all great cooks, but the beauty of cooking is, despite your skill level, you can still reap the benefits of the process. You can try new things, take big risks, and learn from your mistakes.cereal

There’s nothing stopping you from using sriracha in your dessert or beer in your marinade. The worst thing that can happen is your food is terrible. That’s when you can break out the ramen or order a pizza and forget it ever happened.

Due to the lack of consequences in the kitchen, you’re able to defeat fear: fear of criticism, fear of inadequacy, and fear of failure. This process of defeating fear is certainly a practice we could all use more of in our lives.

4. The Kitchen Requires Problem Solving

What do you do when you’re missing a crucial ingredient? How do you walk the fine line between flavorful and healthy food? The kitchen is the ultimate test of your problem solving skills.

Cooking is like painting or writing a song. Just as there are only so many notes or colors there are only so many flavors – it’s how you combine them that sets you apart.Wolfgang Puck

The kitchen provides you with a set of tools, but leaves it up to you on how to use them to get your desired result.

5. The Kitchen is Rewarding

Making food can be a lot of work and dishes are never fun, but there’s a silver lining. The pleasure you get from feeding people is incredible. That simple act of seeing people enjoy your food, makes all that work worthwhile.

In this way, the kitchen allows you to give back to your friends and family by sharing with them, something you have created. The power in that gesture and the gratitude it gets in return, is immeasurable.


The kitchen is a magical place. No matter if it’s big or small, traditional or modern, the essentials are always the same and they can be used to express your creativity in a way few things can.

Moreover, you have to eat every day. There’s no way around that. So why not try and cook a little more often. There’s the obvious benefits of eating healthier and saving money, which make it a worthy endeavor already. But when you can also unleash your own creativity as well, it’s hard to find a reason not to spend a little more time in the kitchen.

Bon appétit.

Image via flickr

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